Friday, August 08, 2008

USA West Coast Day 18 - Last Day!!

Last Day in USA, how fast time flies, and it's time to return to the reality of Singapore once again. SobzZ.. We decided to make the most of the final day.. so IHOP here we come!

We visited Venice Beach on the last day to experience the beach scene in US, the sand is just so so so FINE, the sand is SG is simply gravel, it's not sand at all!!

We returned the car to the airport and chceked in before meeting up with matt and his gf for dinner.

Dinner's at Bumba Gump!! It's an exciting place for dinner. You know if u have ever been there.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

USA West Coast Day 17 - Downtown + J Town

Spent the day exploring Outlet stores and doing some last minute shopping, it's quite rewarding i would say. I found another food i love a lot...

Explored J town in the evening and had the most authentic jap food ever. I think.. haha..

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

USA West Coast Day 15 - Hoover Dam

We leave Vegas today and here's our trusty Hotel for the past few days.

We made it a point to visit the Hoover Dam before going back to LA.

By the time we made it back to LA it's late at night, and we found a 24H Yoshinoya for some supper. Wish we have that in singapore, 24h yoshinoya.