Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm back in action

Been really missing in action for the past 2 week or so.. missed a few days of lessons.. skipped a few volleyball trainings.. just couldnt seem to get myself sorted out and motivated.. i simply allowed myself to drop back below the pace of lectures and tutorials even more..

well it's over and i cant do anything about it.. after this week will be chinese new year week and also our mid term break... which is basically my mugging week.. but irritating NUS actually place it in the same week.. and eat up my mugging days... aarrgghhh...

this week is the busiest week so far... been rushing on 2 essays the past to days.. and later a third one.. which is also the toughest one to complete... 5 webpages to assess plus 2 more written articles... aarrgghh... too much essays for a civil engineer!!!

time to hit the readings...

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