Thursday, September 09, 2010

4 Months In

It's been 4 months since i started here. Daily processes are not much of a problem any more, but it seems most of the things i'm getting everyday falls outside the norm and there's also this void in knowledge i need to fill. I'd like to work with all the information and knowledge already present in my head. Yet sometimes I feel my head is filled up with so much information, it takes me forever to dig out the information i wanna use at critical moments. I think that makes me look kindda dum sometimes. 

I personally feel there are flaws in the way some things works, most others have gotten used to it. But here's the question, do i get use to it? or should I shake things up a little? 

How do you differentiate if you are over loaded or being slow in work?? Depends on output ya?? I think I'm producing output all the time,  but somehow things are still piling up. I don't think i'm overloaded, but i do think i need more time. 

But in a nutshell, I think I'm very tired!!

This weekend I'm going RELAX!!!!!!! 

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