Friday, January 19, 2007

2nd week of school

In a blink of an eye another week has past... i would say i've gain slightly more in this week than the last... however i feel the greatest knowledge i've gained is the alarming fact that my workload is actually quite heavy.. because there's reading to be done very week, there's not just tutorials, but essays & reading summaries... feels as if i'm taking a lot of arts modules.. and there are also quite a few lab projects to be done.. labs are no longer just 3 hrs in the lab.. do some dumb experiment and submit a few pages of writen report at the end of everything.. labs this semester involve planning, data collection and analyses and finall consolidation and report, which could take up to a few weeks.. OMG... and there still volleyball training everyday for me.. now i think not being able to play in the IVP may just be a blessing in disguise.. i just hope to get thru this sem safely with good results..

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