For the past five days, i've been spending most of my time in NUS MPSH 1.. standing there in a rather nice Lenovo, dryfit tshirt, with a clear folder in my arms.. all ready to tackle any questions about the Lenovo Thinkpads.. X61 & T61.. These are the 2 models which i was promoting at the Matric Fair and Laptop Roadshow... Sales weren't too bad i would say... sold 41 laptops over the span of 5days... but that's definitely not the best result.. i think i'm only middle range the top seller has almost 80 sold over the 5 days... BUT, i think i could do more if i really sold actively.. Starting a conversation & creating an interest is not my forte.. wat i do best is remember facts and make sure watever i explain gets across to the audience.. oh yah, i also have a knack for understand all kinds of accents, PRCs, Indians, Americans, Vietnamese, Malaysia even French... hahaa.. and i would always speak to these people with a tinge of their accent, it's done subconsiously but it somehow works in a to make them understand me.. so i guess it's not offending.. :)
This whole week is fruitful, the experience of selling a product is new to me.. and i'm grateful that i'm working and leading a team of guys who are not there to just pull up their own numbers, instead we have been helping each other close deal over the past days.. especially today... i've been slacking for most of the day.. all i did was helping out in demostrations and explanations... and they would occasionally put my name as the sales person on their order form for me.. helping me get 6 sets sold on my numbers today.. otherwise it could have been a big fat zero... i really couldnt care less about my numbers... as long as we are selling as a team... it's fine... great ppl to work with.. working in a team that ACTUALLY works AS a TEAM.. just makes everything much more enjoyable...
I'm looking forward to next week, recharge over the weekend, so i wont be lethargic like today... hahaa.. next week there's only 3 days of sales.. let's see if i can hit 40 in those 3 days...
Tml makes the start of the volleyball open for the guys team... first up is NTU... judging by the state of their current team... there's a high chance we can actually win.. so for now... it's time to sleep...