This is my story of my whole semester. The 5 of 8 which i'll be undergoing in my NUS years. There wasnt much to look forward to at the beginning of the semester. Ever since i found out i got into civil engine, it just seemed like another blow to my ego, motivation, drive and many other positive things in me. but there's no one to blame but myself for landing myself in this state so i tried setting a simple goal for myself to achieve. improve my CAP, regardless by how much, just as long as i do.
with that in mind, i knew i had to do something, i had to take more modules. 6 modules, while almost everyone else had only 5, some only 4. besides taking 6 modules, i have to do considerably well for ALL of them in order to achieve my aim. seems like my aim is not that simple anymore.
I started the semester with watever enthusiasism i managed to salvage from my dwindling interest in studies. lectures, 1st impressions mean a lot.. some lecturers simple attract you to school, while others well.. do the opposite.. and in civil engineering, most of the lecturers are from the latter group. not a good sign at all..
wanting to try to deviate from the usual engine modules, i took 1 module from business and 1 from real estate.. the business module is a life saver, so much more interesting than everything else i was taking this semester.. the only module which i want to attend the tutorials.. though i somehow managed to miss most of the lectures still, even though the lecturer was really very good.
the real estate module was like non-existent for most of the semester... why?? cos, there was like only 2 tutorials for the whole semester and i've only attended like 2 out of the many mnay lectures there was.. i guess, my learning i affected by one very important condition.. location.. i realise i'm very reluctant to travel to different classes.. i'd still prefer, things happening the way they were back in secondary school & primary school..
Yup, that would really keep me in class and i'll have much better results.. i think i'm the sort whole will take things only if they are shoved down my throat.. sometimes.. not... hahaa..
the most interesting module for all 3 civil engine modules is this design project... it was really a very good chance to allow creativity to flow.. but somehow i think i was restricted by my group.. maybe my ideas are a little off the charts, but i seriously believe they were do-able.. epecially when this project is basically set without boundaries... yet, we were so box'd up in our traditional ideas... it's a pity...
i also took this really "moral" module call engineering poffessionalism.. it's really right civils and moral lessons back in secondary school.. it's all about doing the right things, making the right decisions.. blah blah.. but it was experience, cos i was working with people who were pretty competent, which made a light work out of everything.
my favourite is still the MNO module, especially when our project group took a whole day filming at DODO factory.. it was a very very good experience.. filming, acting, editting... it's all fun and entertainment.. if only everything about studying is like that... got pretty close with the bunch of them too.. which was really good..
exams.. i think i'm really really relieved it's over.. it's a torture for me.. going into the exam halls.. trying to fill up the black spaces on the answer script.. with answers which i know are hugely part of my own imagination.. this is my expected score...
B+, CE3101
A-, EG2401
C+, RE3481
D+, CE3121
C-, CE3115
B+, MNO1001
If i actually manage to achieve results like above or better, i seriously consider myself over-achieving.. and i'll be very very happy.. and best of all it means a very slight improvement to my CAP..
my overall opinion of this sem is me being pretty much a ghost.. seemingly non-existent for most of the semester with regards to my engine classes.. thanks to the non-engine modules which made my experience much more tolerable..
with that i'll end with some significant photos for this semester, significant to me at least...
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