The main thing that made my life better recently or say for this semester is that I've been to classes more regularly. Sometimes it's just so tempting to not go to school, cos no one really cares if you go or dont go. But here's the thing, if I dont go, I'll feel left behind with respect to the class stuff. It's not that I cant read up on my own or study from books myself. It's just so different, if you dont go to class, I can assure you, I WONT be bothered to go read up myself. And it's not just showing up in class, it's paying attention in class, even though sometimes the lecturer really likes to crap. Paying attention is actually half the work done, Idont even have to copy much stuff down, as long as I listen, it's more or less 70-80% gain when I review the notes. If I dont listen, looking at the notes will just seem so much tougher. Anyway, I think i'm getting into a rhythm for my school work, so I hope to keep it going.
I wish to think I have all the time in the world, but the world keeps reminding me that it's taking time away from me. And giving me less and less time. Why must we always be chasing after time? Time is relative, therefore we have to chase after time because some SMART ALECK started to move ahead of the rest of the pack eons ago. And becaused he moved, others follow, and the cycle goes on, and here we are chasing after a time which we will never see the end. Does anyone even understand wat i'm saying?
Duke-NUS medical School. It's a post graduate medical doctor degree which is open to all types of degrees, but you must have a degree first. It's an interesting option for me, to pursue a medical career is not something i've thought about, cos i've been shunning away from all-things-bio in my school life. My mum is encouraging me to pursue it, and dear is also saying she'll support me if I choose to do so. But here's the question, "Am I interested in that field?" That's a question i really dunno how to answer. How am I suppose to know if I like to do that when I've never done anything like it before?
but I think these are the part of it that attracts me,
the money,
the prestige,
the ability to help others medically.
and what scares me,
the toughness of getting in,
the toughness of the course itself,
the age i'll be if I eventually get to graduate,
the extra $$ I have to put in for this course.
How am I to decide?????