Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sherlock Holmes

Watched @ GVMax

Sherlock Holmes is already UBER well-known before this movie. SO how it it going to gain the recognition from the masses or even left a mark on their memories? Well, they re-vamp the image of Holmes, that's how. Now holmes is iron man without the armor, much more rugged and watson is just as much a fighter as holmes.

It's a refreshing twist to the usually pipe smoking nerdy holmes we are accustomed to. I liked it, I know some who didnt. Holmes retains his usual sceptism in magic and the paranormal, there's always a reason and method about how things are done.

And I really liked the way how he analyses each match ending move just before he excutes it. COOL! hahaa. Rachel McAdams plays somewhat a nemesis and love interest of holmes. Somehow I just did not like McAdams, it's just me, wanting to slap her no matter what. So what ever comment I have about her is simply... Biased.

Jude Law playing Watson was really a apt, he successfully portrays the cynic in everything holmes does. And yet somehow ends up being the bitch who totally listens to holmes and led on by him. HAH!!

entertaining is what this movie is, however the ending is somewhat... "what!!?? I have to wait for Sherlock Holmes 2!!??"

Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 7 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7 out of 10

Official Website


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