Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Watched on 3rd Oct @ The Grand Cathay

This movie actually had quite a build up to it's opening. So I was looking forward to a COOL movie. But in the end, it was not fantastic, it's good but just not fantastic. Maybe i'm just expecting too much from it. I think this movie is a product of people starting to shun away of AI. AI is hard to control, so we control the robots ourselves.

The story is about a world where humans are ALL couch potatoes. They spend their lifes at home controlling robots to do everything they wanna do. So there's practically no more humans in the streets, only lookalikes that are remotely controlled by couch-potato humans.

What I like about the story is that, there's a documentary like start to the show, kindda explains the history of how the surrogates came about. But common to these genre of movies, it only raise more questions that requires answers. That's the bad part about it, there's just too many questions in my head at the end. It's IRRITATING!!

The visual effect are cool, but it's the usual stuff, nothing new and out of this world.

Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 7 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.5 out of 10

Official Website


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