Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Watched on 29 Sep @ Cathay Downtown East

This is a remake of the 1980 version of "Fame", I have not watched the earlier version, but I do know that it is in the forum of a musical movie. Just think High School Musical with much more talent than singing and basketball. Well, actually they are actually very similar.

The movie casts a group of relative unknowns which is perhaps similar in the 1980 version, I dun recognise any of the names, maybe i'm ignorant. Dun be fooled by the newbies, they are really talented. The actors can really sing, and they can really dance, though i'm not sure abt the directing and producing roles which they play.

The flow, of the movie is kindda irritating, the movie is broken into 4 acts, freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. The link from 1 act to the other is not show, it only shows cuts of events in each year, which really gives me a VERY fragmented and irritating feeling. Not the way I like to enjoy a movie. I would really rather they split the movie like HSM, I would like to know more. Oh yah, not only fragmented, it also feels very rushing, squeezing 4 years into 1 movie.

Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 6 out of 10 (fragmented & rushed)
Audio & Visual: 8 out of 10 (captivating dance & singing)
Overall: 7 out of 10 (not too bad, just not good enough)

Favourite Lines:

Malik: If someone here is to succeed, why not me? ma?
Malik: I'm talented, I'm better then the others.
Mum: Who in the world said you are better.
Malik: You did, ma.
Mum: I can't deal with this now, I'm late for work.

Official Website


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