Thursday, September 10, 2009

G Force *3D

Watched on 6th Sep @ GV Marina

This is a much anticipated movie, at least for myself it is. I wasnt really expecting much of a fantastic plot of super cool effects. I was just looking for cute guinea pigs to entertain myself with. And I see in that respect, the movie did not disappoint.

The 3D effect in the movie was actually quite cool, cos the 3D was not only on the animated CGI, but also on the real life surrounding and humans. So there was depth in everything. But I have to say, they could have done more cos, that fantastic effect was not throughout the movie, certain parts were 3D pointless, while some parts are just COOL!

These guinea pigs are cooler than the CHIPMUNKS!!

1 thing I really dislike personally, is disney's recent fetish with using cockroaches!! OMG!! why are they depicted like cute and useful!!?? that part totally grossed me out!! TOTALLY!!!
Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 7 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.5 out of 10

Favourite Lines:
Darwin: Juarez admitted that she likes you, she said she only acted like she likes me to get you to be interested in her.
Blaster: So what makes you think she didnt say that just to make you like her?

Official Website


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