Watched on 26 July 2009 @ GV Marina
This movie is based on a true story. And perhaps cos this story is so true, it gets kindda boring. I had expected this show to be a great battle of wits and epic confrontations between Agent Melvin Purvis, the beginnings of FBI and John Dillinger, public enemy #1.
John Dillinger, played by Johnny Depp in this show, well Johnny Depp is still hell of an actor. The way he plays this character. You remember him for this character, not Jack Sparrow, not the choco factory guy, but just John Dillinger, a wanted criminal. The #1 public enemy, which in this show seems like public favourite for than enemy.
The time was during the Great Depression, the americans liked the outlaws more than the government, who kindda sucked at that point in time.
Aside from great acting from all of the actors, there really aint much twists or turns in this story, so in the end it felt like I've just watched a documentary rather than a movie. The bad guy aint that smart after all. Cos they all die.
Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 6 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6 out of 10
Favourite Lines:
John Dillinger: I was raised on a farm in Morrisville, Indiana. My mama ran out on us when I was three, my daddy beat the hell out of me cause he didn't know no better way to raise me. I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars, whiskey, and you... what else you need to know?
John Dillinger: We don't work with people we don't know. And you don't work when your desperate. Walter Dietrich. Remember that?
John 'Red' Hamilton: Walter forgot. When your desperate, that's when you got no choice.
Official Website
I tried to upload pictures, this time the icon is thre but I just click upload.. it just wun react!! wth is wrong!!
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