Monday, August 24, 2009


Watched on 23 Aug 09 @ GV Vivocity

A romantic comedy was the description by GV. BUT!! It's really only romantic in small parts comedic in even smaller parts. But again, that's not to say that this is a bad movie. It's just somewhere between average & more average. I bet i'll forget abt it after a while.

The lead, Mike is the main romantic component of the movie, yet he does do it the classic romantic way. It's his give it all for love, regardless anything actions that make him romantic.

Comedically, Al who played Mike's good friend and only showed up past halfway thru the show, is the spark of comedy.

A huge thing i dun really like abt this movie is that, the story likes to jump. It's like the director has the "click" remote control, and he keeps pressing skip!!

What I like abt this show, it's a positive movie. The underlying meaning I find is that, many people are stuck at some point in their life. But being stuck is not the end, we just have to learn to move on.

Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 6 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6 out of 10

Official Website


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