Saturday, January 16, 2010

Treasure Hunter (刺陵)

Watched @ GV Marina

Treasure hunter is a movie you really shouldnt watch if you are looking for a plot in the story. The plot is really weak, when you compare with the western movies like mummy and indiana jones, treasure hunter is really weak, pointless and broken.

As for the acting, jay chou and lin chiling are not exactly the best actors around. looks and style are their main selling point, the movie is bordering on comedy. the desert scenes offer not much value to the whole story, it's just dusty & more dust flying around.. WEAK!!

There's much hype on the visual effects, but seriously, good effects need  to be there for a purpose that supports the plot. With the weak plot, the effects are just there trying to bulk up the movie on it's substance. simply saying, the effects are not bad but falls flatly in the movie plot.. conclusion... WEAK!!!

Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 4 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 5 out of 10
Overall: 4.5 out of 10

Favourite Lines:

Official Website


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