Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Angels & Demons

Watched on 18th May 2009
@ The Grand Cathay

Tom Hanks is back as Professor Robert Langdon, as the great actor he is, I have forgotten he is Tom Hanks and totally believed that he was Robert Langdon. That's the attractiveness of this movie. It's not a short movie, but it just captivates me to watch on. Great work by the director to translate that same captivity from the book to the big screen.

The movie storyline follows very closely to the book, at least I do not remember any major differences. Therefore it is a good representation of the storybook. This will definitely serve as a good appetizer to the book if you are not an avid reader. this movie will kick start your interest in Dan Brown books.

Spikefire ratings: 8 out of 10>

Favourite Lines:

Inspector Olivetti: [on hearing Langdon's description of Pius IX's "Great Castration" of Vatican City's male statues] Are you anti-Catholic Mr. Langdon?
Robert Langdon: No. I'm anti-vandalism.

Official Website


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