Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Love You Man

Watched on 20th Jun 2009
@ Cineleisure Lvl 6

I have to confess, once again I did not think much of this movie. It just did not have a good enough poster or trailer or whatever. I was just not attracted at first sight. And once again i'm glad I had actually watched it. It's a choice made out of no choices. Nothing else left to watch. Kinda..

Do not be mistaken that this movie is another romantic "man loves woman, something come in between, they strive and conquer" kind of movie. IT IS NOT!! It's about MAN, yeah, it's all about brotherly love. haha. This movie talks about the relationships of men with other men, hugely explored. And I'm proud to say I can appreciate every one of them.

I find an interesting idea from this movie "men can love women all they want, but men still need men." It's a social thing, some things men just cant do without another men.

Conclusion, great movie. be it for the laughs or the "logics" behind everything. I like it!!

Spikefire ratings: 9 out of 10>

Favourite Lines:

Sydney Fife: Society tells us we're civilized but the truth is we are animals. Sometimes we just have to let it out. Try it.
Peter Klaven: Blaaah!
Sydney Fife: Good. Now gently remove your tampon and try again.

Official Website


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