What happened in the last 30mins, totally overshadowed everything else that happened in my life so far. here's the basic summary..
I dropped dear off at her place, I was going to make my way home. I realised this car in her carpark which was not parked and headlights off. But the moment I drove past it, it's headlights came on. And started following me. At that point I did not think it was following me, I shrugged it off as meer coincidence.
After a few more junctions I began to start worrying, I sped up and tried to shake him off. I did a few filtering moves and varied my speed alot. He continued to stick with me. I was freaking out and I was considering 101 reasons why he was following me. I concluded he's looney!!
With that conclusion, I need to shake him off before I could go home. There's no way I was going to lead him straight to my place. So I turned into geylang east and turned abt in the hdb carpark, for a moment I almost lost him. The damn traffic light gave him time to catch up once again!!
I drove out to paya lebar road, and started making a few U-turns, I tried to lost him at the traffic light by turning only at amber, but he beat to red to stay on my tail! damn it! He even turned from the 2 lane!! I was totally freaking out and decided I'm not going to lose this lunatic, it was time for me to do the safe thing.
I decided to turn into geylang police station, but the gate was closed. So I turned into the adjacent alley, he followed me in, but when I turned the car around, he turn out and went into the caltex just next to the alley. I saw him stopped his car in the petrol station waiting for me.
I immediately, turn off the engine and went into the police station. I think I was really freaked out, I was stuttering!! Damn it!! I bet those cops think I was the crazy one at that point. Anyway, I somehow manage to paint the picture to them and got them to follow me to check it out.
The moment we walked out of the station, the driver of that car walked past us towards the station, I told the cop that's the driver. The driver immediately, declared he was the one following me. He was in a tone like he had done no wrong, and was very sure he was after me for some reason.
Bewildered, i simply stared at him. He kindda wanted to confront me and told the cop to lead us back to the station, saying that we have issues to settle. I was getting more and more confused.
Apparent he thinks I'm the boyfriend of his daughter, he thought he saw me sending his daughter home. And apparently, he has issues with daughter not going home and coming home with a different guy often.
And so the cops started asking me abt me and my girlfriend to verify the situation, damn and this guy's surname also ng, just makes things slightly more confusing. Basically, it's a case of mistaken identity, but the course of this ridiculous mistake is really killing me!!!
Even though the cops are sympathetic with that guy's situation, they feel he's just worrying abt his daughter. BUT!!! Obviously, this uncle has communication issues. You dun go about tailgating the guy who sent your daughter home. DUDE, those are not the ones u shld worry, it's those who don't send her home u shld worry about!!! I feel sorry for him now, i think he'll never solve the issue if he carries on in his paranoia....
On a different day I would have just cornered him and confront him face to face instead of going to the cops. And mind you, I really need to shit then!!