Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Up in The Air

Watched @ Funshion

The story is basically about Ryan (George Clooney), a guy that flies about more than staying put; a guy who flies about just to fire people the company management are too chicken to. To me it's an interesting plot to begin with, hell I never knew you can have a job out of firing someone. Anyway, it's an interesting plot, Ryan is a loner, who is trying to deceive himself that he is alright being alone, and he even sidelines by going around teaching people how it is alright to be alone.

Natalie (Anna Kendrick), the understudy to Ryan, trying to learn the real meaning of firing someone while she tries to organise the whole process into some clockwork procedure. Ryan has a theory that firing someone is not just "firing" someone, it encompasses much more, and it's something very personal and have to be handled with care. Ain't that an irony with his "it's alright to be alone" attitude, once again, it's interesting.

A-list actors provided A-list acting, it's very believable at the end of the day. That's what makes movies good.
Spikefire ratings:
Story & Plot: 7 out of 10
Audio & Visual: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7 out of 10

Favourite Lines:
Ryan Bingham: [on getting through airport security] Never get behind old people. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left. Bingo, Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they have a thing for slip on shoes. Gotta love 'em.

Natalie Keener: That's racist.
Ryan Bingham: I'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster.

Alex Goran: What a weasly prick.
Natalie Keener: Yeah, but what does that make me? Someone who falls for a prick.
Alex Goran: We all fall for the prick. Pricks are spontaneous, they're unpredictable and they're fun. And then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.

Ryan Bingham: You know why kids love athletes?
Bob: Because they screw lingerie models.
Ryan Bingham: No, that's why we love athletes. Kids love them because they follow their dreams.
Official Website


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