There were 5 of us going on that trip, Lance, Kelley, Danny, Terrence and myself. We met up at 10am and loaded our stuff in kelley's car. It was a long distance to the Tetons. Some of us packed sandwiches from the EDR during breakfast for the hike. It was a long drive to the Tetons, we past by many places, but we did not make any stop cos i think I've had too many shots on those kind of scenary already. So not much pictures were taken along the way.
We did make a few intermediate stops before we arrive at our destination.

A stop at the Signboard into the Tetons. We also made a stop at Colter Bay, where we went to the visitor center to get info about our hike. While at Colter Bay, we saw this rainbow forming around the sun. We came to learn that this is due to ice crystals in the atmosphere that caused this sight. But i'm more amazed with this shot i took.

hahaa. really cool, looks like a halo around the hand.
We were also quite lucky to see a fox close to the road. there were people gathering around, and so we joined in the crowd and saw the fox, it looks as if it was posing for us. or maybe it was just waiting for food.

We head off to our destination next, Jenny lake, this is where we would take a ferry to the other side of the lake to begin our hike to a place called Cascades Canyons. The ferry trip was quite interesting, the ferry guy quite fun, and we took quite a few videos on this short trip. The lake was huge and had very very clear water, but i dun see any fish, and the wind was super icy cold.

Soon we began our hike into the mountains. First stop was hidden falls, a waterfall which has been hidden by the trees, it looks pretty nice from far. But we couldnt get near it cos the roads to it was somewat closed.
Next was to hike up to this place called Inspiration Point. Great view of the lake from there. We ate our sandwiches there, and there were loads of chipmunks which will appear the moment we took out our food. The chipmunks are very very cute, even though we were not supposed to feed them, it was TOO hard to resist playing with them. Super cute, totally reminds me of my chipchip.
I think we are very lucky during this trip cos we saw many different animals, we saw the fox, moose, chipmunks & marmots.I have yet to see a bear since arriving here. Although i know seeing a bear may be very dangerous, but i still wished i saw one.

As we carried on into the mountains going thru Cascade Canyons, the tracks were mostly covered in snow and it was really difficult to walk, it's like walking on flat ground going forward, yet like climbing stairs cos you keep sinking in and have to lift your legs to get out of it. VERY VERY tiring.

Lance brought a water filter and pump so we could refill our bottles directly from the icy cold streams. The water tastes really nice and cool, no weird chlorine taste or watever. really good.

We hiked on further for about an hour plus before turning back. I was feeling that they turned back becaused of me. Cos i was totally shagged out already. I was actually quite relieved we turned back, but den i realised we had a really really long hike back to the car as well. We couldnt take the boat back too, cos it was late, that was 2 xtra miles around the lake to get to the car.
Basically, i was dead tired by the time we got the car, and it was late so we decided to go to a near by resort to grab some food. It was too late to go back to Old Faithful for dinner. But we were once again very lucky, this place we went to had pretty good food, at a good price and it has a fantastic view of the Grand Tetons.

I ate this burger called Wildgame Chilli Burger, it's actually Bison burger with Elk Chilli. It's pretty much like beef burger with mutton chilli, but it was good. Especially cos i was really hungry after the hike. YUM!!
We also had loads of fun on the way back. Especially when we were singing to the backstreet boys songs!! SHIOK SHIOK!! hahaa...